Research Support, Financial Effects of Divorce

Amato, P. R. (2000). The consequences of divorce for adults and children. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 1279–1287; Furstenberg, F. F., & Kiernan, K. E. (2001). Delayed parental divorce: How much do children benefit? Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 452; White, L., & Rogers, S. J. (2000). Economic circumstances and family outcomes: A review of the 1990s. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 1035–1051.

Bianchi, S. (1999). The gender gap in the economic well being of nonresident fathers and custodial mothers. Demography, 36, 195–203; Smock, P. J., Manning, W. D., & Gupta, S. (1999). The effect of marriage and divorce on women’s economic well-being. American Sociological Review, 64, 794–812.

Grall, T. S. (2001). Custodial mothers and fathers and their child support: 2001 (Current Population Reports, Series P60-225). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Grall, T. S. (2003) Custodial mothers and fathers and their child support: 2003 (Current Population Reports, Series P60-230). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Hanson, T. L., McLanahan, S., & Thomson, E. (1998). Windows on divorce: Before and after. Social Science Research, 27, 329–349.

Institute for Marriage and Public Policy. (2005). Can married parents prevent crime? Recent research on family structure and delinquency 2000–2005. Washington DC: Institute for Marriage and Public Policy; Institute for American Values. (2005). Why marriage matters: Twenty-six conclusions from the social sciences. New York: Author.

McManus, P. A., & DiPrete, T. A. (2001). Losers and winners: The financial consequences of separation and divorce for men. American Sociological Review, 66, 246–268.

Nock, S. L. (2005). Marriage as a public issue. Future of Children, 15(2), 13–32.

Sayer, L. C. ( 2006). Economic aspects of divorce and relationship dissolution. In M. A. Fine & J. Harvey (Eds.), Handbook of divorce and relationship dissolution (pp. 385–406). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Scafidi, B. (2008). The taxpayer costs of divorce and unwed childbearing: First-ever estimates for the nation and all fifty states. New York: Institute for American Values.

Schramm, D. G., Harris, S. M., Whiting, J. B., Hawkins, A. J., Brown, M., & Porter, R. (2013). Economic costs and policy implications associated with divorce: Texas as a case study. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 54, 1–24.

Smock, P. J., Manning, W. D., & Gupta, S. (1999). The effect of marriage and divorce on women’s economic well-being. American Sociological Review, 64, 794–812.

Waite, L. J., & Gallagher, M. (2000). The case for marriage. New York: Doubleday.