
Children may react more negatively to a divorce if it leads to other changes in their lives. Often a divorce can mean moving, less income, and less time with parents. Consider how your children’s lives would change if you divorced. Circle the answer that best describes your situation.


Would my children . . .
1. Maintain current levels of contact with me? Yes No Unsure
2. Maintain current levels of contact with my spouse? Yes No Unsure
3. Maintain contact with current friends/neighbors? Yes No Unsure
4. Maintain contact with my extended family? Yes No Unsure
5. Maintain contact with my spouse’s extended family? Yes No Unsure
6. Live in their current home? Yes No Unsure
7. Start sharing a bedroom (if children currently have their own bedrooms)? Yes No Unsure
8. Attend a different daycare or school? Yes No Unsure
9. Attend a different church? Yes No Unsure
10. Participate in the same extra-curricular activities? Yes No Unsure


How would a divorce (and the custody arrangement) affect your children’s daily lives, weekend routines, holiday celebrations, and vacation time?


What aspects of parenting would change if you got a divorce? For instance, are there things your spouse usually does as a parent that you would need to take on? How would a divorce affect the amount of time and attention you give your children? How would the divorce affect the relationship between your children and the parent who is not the sole caretaker? Will they still be involved? If so, how much? Write down your thoughts here:


Usually, the amount of time parents can care directly for their children decreases after a divorce. A divorce often requires different childcare arrangements, such as daycare, family care, more babysitting, etc. Who will watch your children when you are not able to be there? How do you think your children will react to such changes?


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